Santa Rita Mayan Archaeological Site. Archaeologist believe that Santa Rita is almost certainly the ancient city of Chetumal and was occupied from 2000 BC to 1530 AD, with its primary importance in the Late Post Classic Period from 1350-1530 when it was an important center for the trade of honey, vanilla, cacao and anchiote to the northern Yucatan and other locations.
The breadth of the trade that flourished in Santa Rita is evidenced by findings at the site that include Andean pottery from the Late Classic Period and turquoise jewelry from the Aztecs.
Santa Rita was abandoned when Spanish forces cut off trade routes to the north.
The Belize town of Corozal was built on top of Santa Rita and only one building remains from the ancient Mayan City of Chetumal. Santa Rita is located on the outskirts of Corozal just off the main road to Santa Elena and Mexico. The Caribbean Sea forms the eastern boundary of Santa Rita.